Title: In the Dungeon

Compressed Size: 0.16 MB
Image Format: 1 FDI file
Game Type:


Adult Content:
Five is a rather memorable number of characters to have in an RPG party… honestly, this is the only one that comes to mind with that as a cap. In any event, it's a relatively straight-forward RPG, with an overworld that reminds one of Dragon Warrior, and a town menu that's just a series of options. Combat is turn based, and the author mentions in the documentation there's 50 different enemies. The DOC file on the image is a pretty thorough manual for all the items, spells, game play mechanics, etc.

This game was shareware, the documentation states you can play about 1/3rd of the game, then are challenged for a password to continue. The password is likely lost to history, and the game essentially an extended demo.
