Title: Sabnack
Kogado Software

Compressed Size: 0.38 MB
Image Format: 1 FDI file
Game Type:

Adult Content:
Sabnack has risen, and must be opposed by Alf… ok, not that one, a different one. This guy has the ability to turn the petrified back into people, which he uses via the X key. Despite the very RPG appearance, this is a puzzle game with some real-time combat/enemies. The gimmick is that your character has no combat abilities, but must unpetrify people to defeat enemies, open doors, etc. The puzzles can be a little frustrating, as the goal of taking the faerie back to the magic star frequently needs the faerie to turn to stone on it to finish the level, and your restoration ability effects all eight tiles around you, with diagonals a must in many places.
