Title: Record of Strange Beast War 2 - The Dawn Soldiers

Compressed Size: 7.21 MB
Image Format: 1 HDI file
Game Type:

Turn Based Strategy

Adult Content:
Sex (Censored)
The sequel to the original, great game this sequel features enhanced graphics while retaining the early-80's anime styling of D.O.'s artwork and, actually, many of the characters from the first ROSBW (It's set 10 months later.) Added features are enhanced hentai graphics, more animation, and animated special moves. On the down side, the original game was not terribly hard and the sequel is even easier, with your girls having higher hitpoints as well as their special moves to help them. As with the first game, the only real constraint to victory is generally the time limit as the enemies' flee when things aren't going their way. Unlike the first game, the hentai starts with the 2nd mission, rather than making you fight through a number of training missions.